Warsong Gulch Rewards
суббота 21 марта
Warsong Gulch Rewards Rating: 5,6/10 8090 reviews
WoW Classic - Warsong Gulch VendorsGeneral Information and Objectives. Warsong Gulch is a 10v10 Capture the Flag battleground. Frozen synapse 2. Like all other battlegrounds, players must be at least Level 10 to join, and will be filtered by level, with Level players between 10-19 fighting alongside each other, players at Level 20-29 sharing the battlefield and so on. Jump to Reputation Rewards - In this guide, we will cover how to gain reputation with them and rewards for the Warsong Outriders. The Warsong Outriders.
Originally Posted by Blizzard(Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
With the patch and battlegrounds now live, we wanted to take a moment to look at the Warsong Gulch vendors. They worked in original WoW and now work in WoW Classic like this:- Warsong Gulch vendor lists only appear when you have the required reputation. You should see the text “What items have I earned the right to purchase?” and, when you’re Neutral with your WSG faction, you should find that you don’t have the right to purchase anything.
- Warsong Gulch vendors will only sell items from their original list of consumables (and one tabard) for now.
- Additional items that were added to original WoW in patch 1.6 will become available when Blackwing Lair opens in 2020.
See you in the flag room!
WoW Classic - Warsong Gulch and Alterac Valley Now Live!
Originally Posted by Blizzard(Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
The time has come to put your PvP skills to the test. The Warsong Gulch and Alterac Valley Battlegrounds are now available in WoW Classic.Warsong Gulch
Test your teamwork in this 10v10 capture-the-flag Battleground. The first team to capture three of the opposing team’s flags wins the match and earns Honor toward their PvP ranking.
To join the Battleground, you’ll need to be at least level 10 and visit the Battlemaster in one of the capital cities to queue or, if you’re feeling adventurous, travel to the Battleground in the Northern Barrens (for the Horde) or Ashenvale (for the Alliance).
You’ll be matched up with other players within a specific level bracket as follows:
- 10–19
- 20–29
- 30–39
- 40–49
- 50–59
- 60
Check out Wowhead’s complete guide for tips and strategies to help you and your team make the most of your time in this classic Battleground.
Alterac Valley
Step into Alterac Valley and prepare to engage in a battle for every square meter across this Battleground. You’ll need to coordinate with your team in a 40v40 grudge match to see who will come out on top.
To queue for this Battleground, you’ll need to be at least level 51 at the Battlemasters within the capital cities or head out into Alterac Mountains to queue up there.
You and your team will need to coordinate to complete PvE and PvP objectives to win. You’ll control key locations such as mines, towers, and graveyards, which will help you push further into the map toward the main objective—the opposite faction’s general—Vanndar Stormpike for the Alliance or Drek’Thar for the Horde. You can make this task easier for you and your team by destroying enemy towers and killing the elites guarding the generals.
You’ll also be able to turn in resources that can be looted from mobs and players that can be turned in to gain additional bonuses and aid to your side’s cause of crushing the enemy.
Earning reputation within this Battleground for the Stormpike Guard of the Alliance or Frostwolf Clan for the Horde will open up access to new rewards. You can also gain additional reputation by undertaking a variety of quests within the Battleground.
For a complete guide on this classic Battleground, visit Wowhead.
What are you waiting for? Get in there!