Dark Age Of Camelot Endless Conquest
Certainly, but you'd have to get in touch with the Mythic team for that. Here's how:1 Click on the following link:2 Make sure you are logged in (top right corner)3 Click on the blue button 'Contact a Game Advisor'4 Enter the name of your game or product (or 'Origin' for Origin account-related issues) and click 'Find Solutions'5 Select the type of issue and the platform you play on, and click on 'Find Solutions'.6 Click on the blue button 'I still need help' if the FAQ articles do not apply to your situation.7 Select a contact option. Note that you may get different contact options depending on your country.Hope this helps! Hello.I have been trying to get back into Darkage of camelot. As a human I forget some things like my Master account name and password I would like help in order to claim my master account name and reset the password.I have already have talk to Darkage costumer help my t icket number with them is as follows 8631419. I have sent them a reply and have gotten reply's back but not one from them regarding my master account name and password. I have answered all their questions to the best of my ability's.Thanks for your time.Damian ThompsonI have always been a fan of Darkage Of Camelot.
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And would like my accounts back and reopen a few of them. Hello there tenebrarum,Another user had a with his Ultima Online account. Given that both are Mythic games, I believe the process to recover your username should be pretty much the same.Give it a try and let me know if it helps!There are several things you need to do in order to access your account. The procedure I'm going to give you has been sent to me by one of Ultima Online's community managers, Rend, so if you ever chance across her make sure to have a nice word for her.First, you need to retrieve the password for your old UO account. You can get a temporary password just for linking the account to EA account even though you forgot your password.
To get the temp password, please go to Account Management. (If you are already logged in to the account management, please log off to see the login screen.) At the account management login screen, find 'Forgot your Mythic account password?' And click the line.
Posted by John Thornhill 2019 Sep 30 16:29 -0400 GMT The launch of Dark Age of Camelot: Endless Conquest, a way to play permanently.
(For the old UO player, it's a little difficult to understand but basically you can think 'Mythic account' as 'UO account' or 'UO accountuo'.) Then you'll see 'Request Account Password Change' page. Enter your UO account, then click the Request button to get your temp password. If it doesn't work, enter your UO accountuo instead of your UO account, then try again. (Don't enter ' or '.) The temp password (this password can't be used to play the game. It's just for linking account) will be sent to the registered e-mail address.
In this specific case, the address should be your EA account.Next, you need to link your old UO account to EA account. As you mentioned, under the 'Link Accounts' tab, there is an option to link your Mythic Master Account.
As mentioned above, the Mythic Master Account is your UO account (or 'UO accountuo'). You can link yourold UO account to EA account with the temp password.Finally, you can reactivate the old UO account via Account management. Make sure to switch to the appropriate persona to indicate your old UO account on the screen. Switching persona option can be found at the upper menu bar. If you linked old UO account to EA account, the persona for the account should be 'your UO accountuo'. Select the appropriate persona, then find the old UO account you want to activate, then start activating the account.One more thing. After reactivating the account, you need to reset your password for the old UO account since you don't remember it.

You can't use the temp password to log into the game. You can change your UO account password via Account Management.Alternately, try this page:It uses e-mail to log in, so you should be able to try your different e-mails. If you do remember what e-mail you used but forgot the password, you can change it through:Hope this helps!
Sounds interesting, loved the game, have been gone for 17 years or so, but hey! I'm not playing any sword and board games at the moment.Is there a launch date?AzureLaunched already, you can join the fun today.Is it though?Yes I signed up today and shows my access as endless conquest.An aside note, as the OP indicated the graphics are dated but can be spruced up, sharpened, brightened quite a bit with Reshade. I'd post a screenshot but apparently I'm not smart enough to do that on these forums. So only 4 classes for Albs? I mean at least include the Merc, the reddest, red-headed class in any game ever. (I played one for years). We ask for a debuff and they give us the ability to kick dirt in people's faces?
Really?Its looks cool. I am surprised they limited classes. No Thane makes me sad. Very few archer classes as well.What surprises me is that part of a free to play model should be to entice your players to spend money or sub (I.e. ESO with the craft bag) but nothing about DAOC would make me want to sub.Graphical and control update, then we can chat.
Buffbots and /level 20 killed the game for me. Co-op PvE is what I like best, but this sounds interesting enough to give it a try for free. Might be surprised. Never did mind much about graphics (don't like games stuck in ortho view though, or super-blocky like Minecraft), and control 'problems' are usually for people with fast reflexes and special equipment. I do look for elements that help with immersion and broaden the experience, getting away from the feeling I'm stuck in a series of events that everybody else goes through with little variation. Co-op PvE is what I like best, but this sounds interesting enough to give it a try for free. Might be surprised.
Never did mind much about graphics (don't like games stuck in ortho view though, or super-blocky like Minecraft), and control 'problems' are usually for people with fast reflexes and special equipment. I do look for elements that help with immersion and broaden the experience, getting away from the feeling I'm stuck in a series of events that everybody else goes through with little variation.If you like co-op PVE, play on the Gaheris server. It's what I did.
OR.The characer is not an EC-enabled race and class combination.The character is level 15 or above.The character has 1-day of in-game play time or more.The character was created on or before the launch of Endless ConquestOtherwise, all Endless Conquest accounts can only create.new. characters of the following classes in each realm:.Albion:.Cleric.Friar.Paladin.Sorcerer.Mercenary.Midgard:.Shaman.Healer.Valkyrie.Runemaster.Berserker.Hibernia:.Druid.Warden.Bard.Mentalist.Blademaster.