Ncaa Football 09 Rosters
The official 2009 Football Roster for the Florida Gators Gators.

Knights and merchants download. The controversy surrounding the “business” of rosters has been in the public eye more so this year than any before. That in itself threatens the future of having an editing option in games such as EA Sports NCAA Football and NCAA Basketball. This year with the addition of the EA Locker feature and the following announcement hopefully that is about to change.I can now state that the first and only fully named roster file for NCAA Football 09 on the Xbox 360 currently resides in my EA Locker.I am choosing not to release the file for download at this time as it would just offer the opportunity for certain people to nab it in advance and use it for their own profit. However it is publicly available via the Locker to those who have the game and will remain that way.I apologize to PS3 gamers as I do not have that roster available. Keep an eye on and for updates on that. The same circumstances will apply with a fully named roster available for free through the EA Locker, though the timing of when it will be available can not be determined at this time.So now for 360 gamers there is no waiting around after release for rosters to be completed and no wondering where to get them from. The first time you fire up the game you’ll be able to grab the complete named roster from my locker.
Even if you’re one of the lucky ones who manage to find the game early!Spread the word that rosters are free and easier to obtain this year than ever before. Just head into the EA Locker section of NCAA Football 09 and search the gamertag pastapadre to get them instantly!Title updated to more accurrately reflect the current situation. The rosters can now be found in other lockers as well.