Mario Golf World Tour Daisy
Playing a round of golf is quite possibly the hardest thing to do in the world.One summer’s day, I headed out with my high school’s golf club to try out for the team. As this was my first full course, it was pretty intimidating, but I was confident.After jotting down my third double bogey onto my scorecard, meaning I took two shots above par to sink the ball, I could feel my eyelids starting to feel a little heavy and my lips beginning to quiver.On the 18th hole, I sliced the ball, hit the trees, and rage quit to the parking lot. On the bus home, I sat with my borrowed clubs quietly bawling my eyes out thinking back on the holes-in-one that would never be. This is the memory playing brings me back to, and never has it felt so sweet to finally be able to have a positive handicap.Much like Mario Golf on the, World Tour gives players a full house of Nintendo characters to play with including favourites like Mario, Luigi, and Peach, and sports-only characters like Daisy, Waluigi, and Birdo.The game also has a variety of courses including special Peach Castle courses where you can use power-ups to make your swings a little more exciting.Mario is back and golfing all over again. Handout/NintendoHowever, the big draw of the game is the Castle Club.Inside of Princess Peach’s castle and golf club, players take control of their Mii to compete in tournaments and challenges. They can also buy things like new clubs and golf shoes, gloves, and equipment with their winnings from each round of golf played.New equipment also helps you shoot further and control the golf ball a little better, but new items dribble in slowly, though even a lose will get you something.To that end, the game can feel a little childish at times giving you a lot of direction while pointing you towards the best shots. However, making the shots – like any other golf games – requires thinking about terrain, wind speed and the power of your swing.Check out that luscious looking course.Your Mii is pretty weak to start and the first three tournaments can be pretty challenging when put up against computer players who are consistently able to shoot birdies on most holes.
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However, after winning the first three cups you move onto some even more exotic courses.You can also walk around the castle speaking to characters; however, it never amounts to anything more than tidbits of information or hints.Further inside, players are able to interact with some franchise faces, but all it does is further reinforce the that Nintendo characters are all actors taking part in elaborate plays.However, one thing to take note of is the game’s lack of new characters. The Nintendo 64 version of the game included four unique characters in the game like Plum, Harry, Charlie and Maple. There are unlockable characters like Birdo and Kamek and downloadable characters like a golden Mario and Rosalina available, but where is my Plum?Yoshi tees up. Handout/NintendoAlso, compared to other golf games out there, Mario Golf: World Tour is a simple game.You’re able to go online to take part in tournaments with other players and also improve your handicap by doing practice rounds.
You also can get all kinds of costumes to make you look like the game’s other characters.The variety given to the player, however, makes up for the complexity many virtual golfers out there might expect after a game like Tiger Woods PGA Tour, but after a while, playing a full round of golf can seem like a chore.Much like playing a real game of golf, there’s a time commitment you need to make. There’s nothing worse than being far under par with only two holes to go and then messing everything up with a triple bogey.World Tour’s courses are pretty varied. Handout/NintendoEach round takes you about 15 minutes to complete, but in my case the first championship took 10 tries, meaning I spent two and a half hours trying to win a tournament that only leads me to an even more difficult course.After playing a few hours of the game’s Castle Club mode, it really starts to dawn on you that all this effort might not be worth the little cosmetic adornments for your Mii.With that said said, playing shorter rounds in the game’s normal mode or playing online helps bring some short-form entertainment to players. It’s great for just relaxing when you would otherwise have to pay for a parking space, clubs, shoes, tees, balls, visors, wedges and a green fee to play a real game of golf (it’s not worth it).Overall, Mario Golf: World Tour delivers what most Nintendo sports games do best: fun.There aren’t high stakes at play nor is there much reason to make your Mii into a world-class golfer, but getting that first a hole-in-one really does leave a good, lasting impression.Mario Golf: World Tour was released on May 2nd for the Nintendo 3DS.
May 02, 2014 For Mario Golf: World Tour on the 3DS, GameFAQs has 57 cheat codes and secrets. The best place to get cheats, codes, cheat codes, walkthrough, guide, FAQ, unlockables, tricks, and secrets for Mario Golf: World Tour for Nintendo 3DS. Music machine mondays.