Crysis 2 Maximum Edition Pc Trainer
CRYSIS 2 32 BIT v1.1.0.0 TRAINER (537KB).Please note that this trainer was submitted as a 'promo' trainer, and these are some of the options available, the trainer has been posted as some options are still available in this promo trainer. CRYSIS 2 v1.2 TRAINER (537KB).Please note that this trainer was submitted as a 'promo' trainer, and these are some of the options available, the.
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Get the latest Crysis 2 cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, achievements, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for PC (PC). CheatCodes.com has all you need to win every game you play!
Use the above links or scroll down see all to the PC cheats we have available for Crysis 2.
Sep 05, 2015 To run Sudden Strike 3 Arms for Victory, you MUST update the copy protection drivers. The game uses the pain in the rear TAGES protection system. You have to download the latest version of those drivers, install them, then uninstall then install again to insure the old drivers are removed and then the new ones installed. Sudden Strike 3 Experience the hit World War 2 real-time strategy game for the first time in full 3D glory, expanding on all strategic and tactical options. Command joint operations of naval, land-based and airborne units on the largest maps in the series. Apr 01, 2008 Based on real events of World War II, Sudden Strike 3 lets you play for the American or Japanese armies in the Pacific, and for the Allies or Germans in Europe. Games All Games News. Sudden strike 3 fireglow games. Includes: Sudden Strike 3: Arms to Victory and Sudden Strike: The Last Stand Experience the hit World War 2 real-time strategy game for the first time in full 3D glory, expanding on all strategic and tactical options. Command joint operations of naval, land-based and airborne units on.
Disco Party
In 'Dead Man Walking' you get an new objective: 'Locate the Nanosuit Deep ScanCradle; Locate Gould.'Take the elevator down at the end of the level and then go down the hallway. Go rightand look for the security camera and a bank of equipment. Hop over the red rope andlook for a switch.Hold ACTION to flip the switch and a red light will turn on. Head back to the elevatorand hop another red rope to reach a second elevator. The switch will be glowing. HitACTION again to open it and you will see a strange sight: A CELL disco party in theelevator!!!
Console Cheat Codes
Open the game console by pressing the tilde (~) and then enter:
con_restricted 0And then press enter. This turns on the cheats for the game. Once that's entered, youcan use the following codes:
When the credits screen is showing, press the FIRE button five times. It will start aminigame that you can play while the credits are still rolling.
Suit Module Upgrade List
The following is a list of all suit modules and their upgrades:

Unlock New Game Plus
Complete the campaign for New Game Plus. You get to keep your armormodules at the least.
We have no easter eggs for Crysis 2 yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
We have no glitches for Crysis 2 yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
Created by: Chinbalba.Read the full guide..
We have no achievements or trophies for Crysis 2 yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
In 'Dead Man Walking' you get an new objective: 'Locate the Nanosuit Deep ScanCradle; Locate Gould.' Take the elevator down at the end of the level and then go down the hallway. Go rightand look for the security camera and a bank of equipment.
Hop over the red rope andlook for a switch.Hold ACTION to flip the switch and a red light will turn on. Head back to the elevatorand hop another red rope to reach a second elevator. The switch will be glowing. HitACTION again to open it and you will see a strange sight: A CELL disco party in theelevator!!!
The following is a list of all suit modules and their upgrades:. Armor. Air Stomp: Velocity based attack; more speed deals more damage.