Planetary Annihilation Titans
Aug 20, 2015 Planetary Annihilation: TITANS General Discussions Topic Details. Aug 20, 2015 @ 9:57am Is it worth it? I've looked at the reviews and nothing is very helpful. I'd like to know if i getting this game is worth it, and whether i need to but Planetary Annihilation to play this. Showing 1-12 of 12 comments. TITANS is the huge stand-alone expansion to the already massive-scale RTS Planetary Annihilation, which includes the base game and adds tons of new.
What I can safely say is that no, if you don't currently own PA, then no you don't need to buy PA, PA:T comes with PA and adds some new content. Also, you can no longer buy PA because PA:T renders it obsolete.If you have PA, you don't need it installed to play PA:T or access any of its features.Whether or not it's worth it is, as you can probably see, a big debate on these forums. If you enjoyed Total Annihilation and Supreme Commander, you'll very likely enjoy this, but I don't know that I can recommend it at full price. Don't take that as a warning, though, I just haven't played enough to form a concrete opinion either way. Originally posted by:Titans is standalone:D The Vanilla PA game is not required.But TItans is worth it if you are planning to buy.
Its moddable, its fun, its got giant Robots.And Chicks dig Giant Robots:PI do not see a workshop page, but how does customization work in this game? 2 ways actually.
Flow free warps daily june 16 2018 images. But watch out, pipes will break if they cross or overlap!Free play through hundreds of levels, or race against the clock in Time Trial mode.
Theres an ingame armoury where you can buy cosmetic commander skins, and then theres the unofficial PA Mod Manager that lets you download any mod avalible on their server. Which you can find here. Originally posted by:You don't need to buy the original game (you can't anymore, anyways). Is it worth it?
Yes, but not at full price. I'd consider waiting for a good sale before buying.If you're not a big fan of the RTS genre I would definitely recommend looking up actual gameplay to know what to expect, as this game isn't for everyone.When would the next big sale be? I'd rather not wait till the holidays to buy this. No one knows unfortuantly.

Could always wait till it goes for Sale on Humble Bundle.