Jagged Alliance 2
In Jagged Alliance 2, you'll be required to mix equal parts of role-playing, strategy and combat to reach your main objective. There are many roads to victory and you'll have to travel most, if not all, of them.
. The is a common recommendation, featuring amongst other things a lot more guns, smarter AI (they will flank you) and increased resolution. It does also make the game more complex overall. Go in the.ini file and TURN OFF THE DRASSEN COUNTERATTACK. Or keep it on if the thrill of taking on 50 enemy soldiers with only flak jackets and.38 specials at your disposal turns you on (it can actually be really fun and tense).
Lie, cheat, steal and kill your way to firearms with longer ranges as soon as possible. It is highly recommended that you hire a merc equipped with a rifle in the beginning. Bull has a Thompson and is one of the cheapest. The most important attributes are Marksmanship (shoot stuff), Agility (move), Health (get shot) and Level (significantly affects everything).
You will require one of the following specialists: Mechanical (repair stuff), Medical (patch up your gun wounds), Leadership (train militia, talk to people), and Explosives. There will be overlap though, so don't worry too much about it. Right-click to spend more AP points aiming to increase accuracy.
Scopes increase the bonus. Learn to love farmlands. Because you can punch the shit out of cows and watch your Dexterity and Strength rocket. Also, if you want to level up your explosives quickly, just keep setting and disarming a single mine.
Save before hand, especially when your levels are low. You don't want any accidents. Try to get at least one 'marksman' before you start.
Lynx, Scope, Ivan and Shadow are good mercenaries. I personally prefer Lynx because he has almost top stats/level/cost ratio in the game. Seriously give him any single action sniper rifle and aim for the head. Plus he is a decent medic(at least can stop bleeding without turning people into mummies). Making your own merc with high medical, mechanic, explosives stats saves you from hassle of hiring useless or just plain annoying (Trevor) for a day or two. Not advised personally since having your merc a combat monster is much more satisfying than having a healrepair bot.
Flo might seem, and in fact is, useless. Though the flavor text of her being an arms dealer actually works in game. Trade using her and get%10 discount on everything you buy and get%10 more for everything you sell. Clicker monsters tap to kill. Works only with weapons.
Some mercs start 'meh' but due to their high wisdom they can improve way better than you expect from them. Danny is the prime example for this. He is a good medic but with his ridiculous wisdom he learns practically at lightning speed.
He has almost maxed out agi and dex so he became a monster with medium range assault rifles later on. Don't loot anything on the hospital that doesn't drop from enemies(especially the warehouse full of good stuff).
The doctors might refuse treating you if you do so. A knife toss to the head usually insta-kills anyone provided that they are not aware of you. Lots of Guns option on starting screen doesn't provide more gun drops. It just increases the variety of things you can use. You can end up having a dozen different rifles using ammo you may never see until raiding sam sites or shows up on Bobby Ray's. Always play with Tons of Guns for maximum fun.
The IMP test is rather transparently gameable.
Contents StorylineThe game starts when hires the commander (player) to free from the dictator, Enrico's former wife.Enrico was a candidate for election since his father was the ruler. He won the elections because he had taken Deidranna as his wife to boost his popularity.
However Deidranna murdered Enrico's father and framed him so she could become the next ruler. Enrico escaped, meanwhile Deidranna converted Arulco into an authoritarian state.At the beginning the player must hire mercenaries (via. In the beginning and later on) to free Arulco from the dictator. Mercenaries start in where they meet the rebel leader and former election candidate, in the rebel hideout. Miguel Cordona and his mercenary allies will help if the player agrees to remove Deidranna's forces from the towns in Arulco.GameplayThe game puts the player in control of several mercenaries that must explore and reclaim towns and territories from enemy forces. The end goal is the death of the country's dictator-monarch, who is located in the country's on the opposite end of the country from the player's starting point. As the game advances, the player can hire new mercenaries and acquire better weapons and armour to combat opponents.
The game utilizes a map screen to show the map of and issue high-level orders to up to squads of. There is also a tactical screen, where the player takes control of individual mercenaries during real-time interactions and turn-based combat. A player may have a maximum of up to 18 (3 full squads) of mercenaries under their command at once.Map screenMap ScreenThe map screen displays the world map of in a square grid (called sectors) and the forces deployed by the enemy and the player. This is the strategic side of the game, as the player directs his forces, and controls the progress of time, which may be sped up or paused.From here, the player can also access the game's laptop function, allowing the player to receive emails from characters in the game, buy and equipment, and hire and fire.This screen is also used to assign mercenaries to non-combat-related. Mercs with a medical kit and medical skill can be set to tend to wounded mercs; this significantly quickens their recovery. Mercs with a tool box and mechanical skill can be set to repair damaged weapons, tools and armour. Mercs can 'practice' a skill by themselves or work as a 'trainer' or 'student'.
Training a student increases his or her chosen skill. A trainer may also train local citizens to become to defend sectors while the mercs are away.Mercs can be ordered to travel on foot between the sectors. If the player acquires a ground or aerial vehicle in-game, he may load his troops into it to travel between sectors much faster.Many visual and interactive options can be tweaked in the Options menu.Tactical screenTactical ScreenThe tactical screen shows a sector from an isometric viewpoint. Here the player can view the terrain, explore buildings and find items. Although the game does not feature a visual 'fog of war', every character has a maximum sight range, and NPC characters can only be seen if a player-controlled or allied character sees them. The game time advances in real-time on the tactical screen unless a battle is initiated, and the game switches to a turn-based combat mode.The player can control an individual merc or group of mercs, issuing move, communication and various interaction commands.
Mercs can run, walk, swim, crouch, crawl and climb onto the roofs of flat-roofed buildings.Like the map screen, many visual and interactive options can be adjusted or changed in the Options menu.BattleKeyboard hotkeys for Jagged Alliance 2. See for a complete list.Battles occur whenever player and hostile forces occupy the same sector.
This can happen if enemy or player forces arrive in a sector controlled by an opposing force or the player's actions cause a previously friendly or neutral force to become hostile, and takes place on the tactical screen. If the exact number of enemy forces is known, then the option to 'auto-resolve' a battle is available. This allows the computer to quickly dictate the outcome of a battle, including, injuries, deaths and improvements of skill in participating mercs, without the need to switch to the tactical screen. In some cases, an enemy force will ambush a player force - in this case, auto-resolving the encounter is not possible. Battles between militia and enemy forces with no mercenaries present commence in auto-resolve.If a mercenary force is entering into an enemy-occupied sector, the player will have the opportunity to place their mercenaries' point of entry into the sector along the edge of the map in the direction the squad made their approach from.
In the case of an ambush, the player will not be given this opportunity, and the merc squad will instead be placed in the center of the map - preventing quick traversal to another sector.Once the switch to the tactical map is made, then the game proceeds in real-time until a member of one force spots an enemy, and the game automatically switches to turn-based play.Each force takes alternating turns to move, attack, and perform various other actions. Each character has a limited amount of action points, which are spent to perform any and all actions. The action points are renewed at the beginning of each round, and a portion of any unspent action points will also be carried over to the next round. If a combatant has some action points left over during the enemy's turn and spots an enemy, they stand a chance of interrupting the enemy mid-turn and performing actions.The efficiency and success of any particular action is dictated by a set of ten statistics, ranging from physical attributes such as health and agility to specialized skills such as medical and explosives proficiency. The game separately tracks a mercenary's state of injury, exhaustion, and morale, and these attributes will also effect how well a mercenary performs a given task, as well as how many action points may be spent by the merc per round.The game may be played using stealth elements. A stealth mode is available for the mercs to move in, activated with a HUD button or the Z key. In stealth mode, the merc will attempt to move without making any noise.
Moving stealthily costs more action points, but may successfully hide their position from enemies. The game also features weapons that do not cause loud noise and camouflage kits, which when used may disguise the merc in his environment. Baseball mogul 2015 free download. Merc attributes and some special skills affect how stealthy they are.Combat actions are resolved by a chance to hit system, which is affected by individual mercenary conditions, environmental conditions and cover, and factors such as expending extra action points to aim.

Projectiles are also rendered into physical objects in space, and can still cause damage to characters and the environment if they happen to strike something even if the attack itself misses.Explosives and explosive (heavy) weapons are available, and can be used to destroy many environmental objects such as walls, doors and foliage, as well as the enemy.See also: of all the firearms in the game. Economyis an important factor in the game, as it is needed to pay mercenary hire fees, purchase and enact various other transactions in game. Players are given a set amount of money to start the game with and make initial hires. The main source of income in the game comes in the form of mines located in the majority of towns in game. The sectors containing the mines are always heavily defended, and the player will need to capture these sectors and secure the loyalty of the local miners working there for the player to receive a daily income.Other forms of short-term income include rewards for completing given to you by various townspeople and NPCs, and selling of weaponry, equipment and miscellaneous items may also be sold to local traders.ReplayabilityProgress through the game is very open-ended and flexible. The only consistent points are the beginning, which takes place in the town of, the endgame, which takes place in the city of, and certain midgame occurrences that disregard location. The player is directed by rebels in the beginning to head first to, but the player may choose to capture the towns and explore the countryside in any order and manner he or she desires, restricted only by the passage of time and the expenditure of available funds.
Additionally, almost every sector may be entered via at least two entry points, with most enterable from the four cardinal directions. It is in fact possible to complete the game without capturing any towns whatsoever. It is difficult, and bypasses the majority of in-game content, but it is possible.The player has a very large pool mercs from (ultimately) two different mercenary organizations to choose from. These mercenaries boast a wide array of skills and experience levels, with a broad spectrum of talents and specializations - e.g.
Stealth combat, night-time combat, close-quarter combat and so on, and each individual mercenary's personality and skillset can change the way the game is experienced.